How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!

How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!

We are officially entering a new era of AI art and AI image generation! The best AI image generator, Midjourney, now has a new serious competitor developed by OpenAI and Microsoft. DALL·E 3 is absolutely mind-blowing! It can generate high-quality 1024×1024 images and can even work with text! It hasn’t officially been released yet but it’s available right now for everyone to try. I will show you how you can use DALLE 3 now to generate AI images.

How to use DALLE 3 for free?

DELLE 3 is currently available to everyone to try for free through Bing’s Image Creator

How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!

Press “Join and Create” and sign in with your Microsoft account or create a new account if you don’t have one.

How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!

You will have 25-50 fast image generation credits after you sign up. Image generation is unlimited. If you run out of your fast credits (boosts), you can still generate images but the generation process may take longer.

How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!

How to write prompts for DALLE 3

You can get pretty great results with little prompt writing required. The prompt length is limited to about 500 characters. Just type what you want to see by separating words with commas like this: 

					streets of Southern France, summertime, bright and beautiful, cinematic landscape

Be specific

The more specific and detailed your prompt, the better. with DALLE 3, the more specific and detailed your prompt, the closer the result will be to what you have in mind. While you can still get decent outputs with a simple prompt like “Draw a biker crocodile in a leather jacket” imagine the possibilities with more specific prompts.

					a crocodile in a leather jacket, bike
How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!

You will get much better and more interesting images if you get more specific by describing the image style, background, additional details, etc.

					A cool crocodile, donning a sleek, black leather jacket, mounted on a classic motorcycle in an urban setting. The crocodile stands upright, its tail casually resting to one side, and it exudes a confident and rebellious demeanor. The leather jacket is adorned with various patches and perhaps a pair of aviator sunglasses dangle from a V-neck white t-shirt underneath. The motorcycle is a vintage model, gleaming under the subtle city lights
How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!

Keep prompts clear and simple

DALLE 3 is pretty smart, but just like us, it can get confused if given too much to handle at once. If your prompts are too long or have a lot going on, describing many characters or complicated backgrounds, the results might not be what you expect. Think of it as giving directions: the clearer and more straightforward, the better the outcome.

					A bustling intergalactic market where anthropomorphic animals, robots, mythical creatures, and aliens interact and engage in various activities. On the left, a group of robot pirates is bartering with a dragon over a chest of glowing gems, while in the center, a mermaid and a centaur are enjoying exotic fruits at a stand run by a three-eyed alien. To the right, a wizard is casting a spell to levitate objects for a fascinated crowd of various creatures like unicorns
How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!

To give credit where credit is due, even though the prompt was bizarre, it still performed quite well!

Describe the style

DALLE 3 is like a talented artist that can draw in many different styles. Whether you want something that looks real, a fun cartoon, a fancy old-school painting like those from the Renaissance times, or even some cool abstract stuff, DALLE 3 can do it. But, just like any artist, it needs to know what you’re looking for. 

					a cute green cat saying "hello", cartoon style
How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!
					a cute green cat saying "hello", realistic
How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!
					a cute green cat saying "hello", watercolor
How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!

Use text in your images!

Ever wanted your images to say more? With DALLE 3, they can! Unlike other models, DALLE 3 has a neat trick up its sleeve. It doesn’t just make pictures; it can also put coherent text on them.

					attractive cyberpunk female holding a sign "better than midjourney?"
How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!

How to get more boosts for DALLE 3?

As we mentioned earlier, you can still generate images with DALLE 3 if you run out of “boosts”. The problem is that it’s SUPER SLOW. It can take 10-40 minutes to generate your images from one prompt. However, the good news is that you can still get more boosts by using your Rewards Points. Also, you get free boosts every week.

What happens when you run out of boosts?

If you run out of boosts you will get this message:

How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!

How to get Rewards Points?

You need 500 Rewards points to exchange for 5 boosts. You can earn Rewards points by doing challenges in Microsoft Rewards

How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!

These are some simple challenges such as searching with the Bing browser, solving a puzzle, downloading Edge browser, etc. Some challenges refresh daily. Once you have enough points you can exchange them for boosts which will grant you faster image generations.

How to use DALLE 3 in ChatGPT?

OpenAI has shared the exciting news that DALL·E 3 will be teaming up with ChatGPT!

ChatGPT: Your Prompt-Perfecting Partner

DALL·E 3 is natively built on ChatGPT, making them a match made in digital heaven. You can pitch any idea, from a short sentence to a meaty paragraph, to ChatGPT and ChatGPT will craft a tailored, detailed prompt perfect for DALL·E 3. It’s like having an artistic assistant ready to fine-tune your vision.

Making Adjustments on the Fly

Found an image that’s almost perfect, but needs a bit of tweaking? No problem! Just describe the changes to ChatGPT, and in no time, it will relay the adjusted instructions to DALL·E 3. It’s a seamless dialogue between you, ChatGPT, and DALL·E 3, ensuring your creations hit the mark.

Availability and Rights

DALL·E 3 integration is rolling out in early October. Just like with DALL·E 2, any masterpiece you whip up with DALL·E 3 is entirely yours. Feel free to print, sell, or merchandise them however you please.

How to use DALL·E 3. Better than Midjourney? DALLE 3 Tutorial!

When will DALLE 3 be available outside of Bing?

A popular question among many is: When will DALL·E 3 be available outside of Bing Image Creator? As of now, the answer remains a bit hazy. The specifics of its broader release haven’t been clarified just yet.